The concept of a pan-European collaboration was developed by diaspora Greeks who deeply understand the issues affecting expatriate Hellenism, gained from years of volunteer involvement.

The EHF was established to unite the Greek diaspora. Our gathering of forces aids in strengthening and establishing a dynamic presence of expatriate Hellenism in the decision-making centers of European member states. We aim to achieve the maximum in science, culture, economics, and politics. We unite for the benefit of the Greek community in Europe.
Through the organization, among other things, of cultural events and actions, provision of educational programs, conducting thematic workshops and symposia focusing on the Greek diaspora and finding resources to assist Greek institutions in Europe. The European Hellenic Foundation will serve as a reference point between Greeks and European citizens and substantially strengthen their relations within a culturally united Europe.
The goals of the EHF are to preserve and promote Greek culture, to protect and preserve the Greek language and Greek-speaking education for the Greek community and every European citizen and to defend the interests of the Greeks within Europe in collaboration with European institutional bodies.
The aim of the EHF is not simply to help the continuation of Greek societies and associations but rather to restart and boost the significant role these associations traditionally have for Greeks abroad.
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The concept of a pan-European collaboration was developed by diaspora Greeks who deeply understand the issues affecting expatriate Hellenism, gained from years of volunteer involvement.
Rue Joseph II, Nr 106, 1000, Bruxelles, Belgium
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