As part of the pan-European activities of the EHF, a roundtable discussion on the Parthenon sculptures, which are located outside of Greece, took place on October 15, 2023. The event was held in the historic auditorium of the Old University of Heidelberg in collaboration with the Network of Greek Associations and Institutions of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and was a complete success.
The occasion was the return of a small portion of the sculptures, which the University of Heidelberg had given back to Greece in 2006.
The event was honored by the participation of professors from European and American universities, as well as representatives of German politics, such as Ms. Lisa Badum, a member of the Bundestag and chairwoman of the German-Greek Committee of the Bundestag, the Greek General Consul in Stuttgart, Ms. Maria Kechri, and numerous representatives of the diaspora and friends of Greek culture. A roundtable discussion was held on the criteria that should be considered for the return of the Parthenon sculptures to their original location.
The program of the European Hellenic Foundation (EHF) for the period 2023-2024 includes a series of actions that will be carried out in various European countries, including France, Belgium, and Germany.
The aim of the foundation Is to unite the European diaspora, promote Greek culture, support Greek-language education, and promote Greek issues at a pan-European level.
Therefore, the European Hellenic Foundation EHF will continue its activities with many interesting pan-European events in favor of Hellenism and the diaspora.
source: here